Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there lived four diligent ants. They spent their sunny summer days bustling about, preparing for the cold embrace of winter. You see, ants are incredible at getting things done. They never waste a moment, always focused on their tasks at hand. And these four ants were no different. Side by side, they worked, ate, dreamed, and cried together, united by a single purpose: caring for their precious colony.These diligent ants thrived in their work, finding fulfillment in their efficiency. They knew that their tireless efforts set them apart from all other creatures. Each day, they carried their vital "chemicals of life," a signal to their comrades that they were alive and ready to contribute.
Performers: Passion Asasu, Christian Doeller, Klaus Herbst, Jan Munske, Thai Tai Pham, Ruo-Jin Yen
Photos: Peechana Chayochaichana