The Tear Film
Short Film

The tear film covers the ocular surface and is essential for protecting the eye from environmental factors and more. Comprising three layers—oil, water, and mucin—the artist was captivated by this subject and resolved to invent a device capable of tracking tears, extracting them for further study. In essence, her aim was to create a film about the tear film.

Progressing step by step, she created instructional videos documenting her device's development, and she kept these in mind. However, during her research, she encountered an issue: she could no longer cry. While searching for a new method to induce tears, she recalled that it had been 8 years since her mother had relocated to another planet, unreachable due to signal issues. Regardless, her longing for her mother was already overwhelming, making it difficult to revisit the photos and videos her mother had left behind. However, her professionalism and the project's delivery requirements drove her to the decision to confront her fear, delving into both new and familiar materials to complete her innovative invention...